Maureen J. Maciel, M.D. Board Certified Fellowship TrainedPediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
Maureen Maciel, MD, is a board certified pediatric orthopedic surgeon, practicing in Orlando, Florida. After graduating from the University of Minnesota, Dr. Maciel received her medical degree from Mount Sinai Medical School. She went on to complete an orthopedic surgery residency at The Ohio State University and a pediatric orthopedic surgery fellowship at Shriner’s Hospital for Children in Tampa. For 16 years, she was at Shriners Hospital for Children where she served as Chief of Staff and specialized in the treatment of children with rare diseases. A highly experienced clinician, Dr. Maciel also served as an assistant professor at the University of South Florida in the department of orthopedics and sports medicine for more than 14 years.
Professional History
Advent Health Medical Group
Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon
Director Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery, Advent Tampa
Chief of Staff, Shriners Hospitals for Children-Tampa, Florida
Pediatric Orthopaedic SurgeonSeptember, 2015 - April 3, 2022
Interim Chief of Staff, Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon
Shriners Hospitals for Children-Tampa, FloridaJuly 2012-September, 2015
Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon
Shriners Hospitals for Children-Tampa, FloridaSeptember 2007-July, 2012
University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MNJune 1997
Bachelor of Science
Summa cum laudeHonors in Genetics and Cell Biology
Dean’s List five quarters
Mount Sinai Medical School, New York, NY
M.D.May 2001
Awarded “Distinction in Research”
Post Graduate Training
The Ohio State University
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Columbus, OhioJuly 2001- May 2006
Shriners Hospitals for Children – Tampa, FL
Fellowship, Pediatric Orthopaedic SurgerySeptember 2006-September 2007
Licensure & Certification
State of Florida
August 2006
State of Georgia
August 2013
State of Ohio
August 2005
Board Certified, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons
(participating in ABOS WLA Recertification Pathway)July 2010 – December 31, 2025
National Provider Identifier
Hospital Staff Appointments
AdventHealth, Tampa
May 2022 - present
AdventHealth for Children, Orlando
August 2023 - present
Academic Appointments
University of South Florida, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine Affiliate Assistant Professor
Professional Societies
American Orthopaedic Association
Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction Society
Ruth Jackson Orthopaedic Society
University of Minnesota, College of Biological Sciences, Senior Scholarship
Ruth Jackson Orthopaedic Society, Courage Award
March, 2022
Committee Memberships And Representationprofessional History
Pediatric Society of North America Mentorship Committee
June 2021-June 2023
Pediatric Society of North America E-editorial Committee
June 2021-June 2023
ACGME Pediatric Orthopaedic Milestones Development Team
May 2021-December 2022
University of South Florida Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Resident Clinical Competency CommitteeJuly 2016-June, 2022
Enterprise Value Assessment Committee, Shriners Hospital for Children
Physician Billing Workgroup Committee, Shriners Hospitals for Children
2019-March, 2022
Other Languages Spoken
- Spanish-conversational
- Portuguese-conversational
Professional Consultantships
- OrthoPediatrics Corp.
- Maciel, M Osteogenesis Imperfecta. National Organization for Rare Disorders, Rare Disease Database, 2021. Website: https://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/osteogenesis-imperfecta/
- Khoury J, Lawing C, Maciel, M, Achors K, Fontenot, P. A quality improvement initiative to reduce radiation dose during cast treatment for infantile scoliosis. JPOSNA. 2020;2
- Perlman, S.L.*, Jordan, M.*, Brossmer, R., Greengard, O., and Moscona, A. The use of a quantitative fusion assay to evaluate HN-receptor interaction for human parainfluenza virus type 3. Virology 1999;265:57-65. *These two authors contributed equally to the work.
- Simmons, M.J., Raymond, J.D., Grimes, C.D., Belinco, C., Haake, B.C., Jordan, M., Lund, C., Ojala, T.A., and Papermaster, D. Repression of hybrid dysgenesis in Drosophila melanogaster by heat-shock-inducible sense and anti-sense P-element constructs. Genetics 1996:144;1529-1544.
Presentations And Invited Lecturships
- Maciel, M. Pediatric Metabolic Bone Diseases. Florida Orthopaedic Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Orlando, FL, May 19, 2024.
- Maciel, M. Pediatric Metabolic Bone Diseases. Florida Orthopaedic Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Coral Gables, Florida, May 21, 2023.
- Maciel, M. The Orthopedic Treatment of Patients with Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation Regional Conference, Tampa, Florida, July 30, 2022.
- Maciel, M. Leitch, K., Hyman, J. Knee Flexion Deformity Lab. Instructional Lab Lecture at the Baltimore Limb Deformity Course, Baltimore Maryland, August 6, 2021.
- Lawing C, Khoury J, Gorbe R, Maciel M, Khoury J. Lowering Radiation Dose to Children with Hip Dysplasia through a Change in Radiographic Technique. Pediatric Orthopedic Society of North America Annual Meeting. May 15, 2021
- Maciel, M. Pediatric Orthopedics: Commonly Missed Diagnoses in the Pediatric Patient. The Foundation for Orthopedic Research and Education, Orthopedics for the Primary Care Practitioner and Rehabilitation Therapist, July 24, 2021, Clearwater, FL
- Maciel, M. An Evidence Based Approach to DDH in the Young Child. Tampa General Hospital virtual CME program. June 10, 2021
- Maciel, M. Unique Midfoot Amputation for Deformity Associated with a Rare Skeletal Dysplasia. The Association of Children’s Prosthetic-Orthotic Clinics, May 4, 2019.
- Maciel, M. Pediatric Orthopedic Update. The Foundation for Orthopedic Research and Education, Orthopedics for the Primary Care Practitioner and Rehabilitation Therapist, July 18, Page 4 of 62016, Clearwater, FL
- Maciel, M. Top Five Commonly Missed Pediatric Orthopedic Emergencies. The Foundation for Orthopedic Research and Education, Orthopedics for the Primary Care Practitioner and Rehabilitation Therapist, July 18, 2015, Clearwater, FL
- Maciel, M, Smith, S.B., Casimir, N. A Retrospective Review: Care and Management of the Lower Extremity Epiphysiodesis Surgery Patient. The Association of Children’s Prosthetics Orthotics Clinics, May 14, 2015.
- Maciel, M Top Five Pediatric Orthopedic Emergencies. The Foundation for Orthopedic Research and Education, Orthopedics for the Primary Care Practitioner and Rehabilitation Therapist, July 20, 2014, Clearwater, FL
- Maciel, M. My experience treating patients with McCune-Albright syndrome and fibrous dysplasia. The Magic Foundation 20th Annual Convention, July14, 2014, Chicago, IL
- Maciel, M. Overuse injuries, pediatric fractures, and child abuse. The Florida School Health Association Conference, 2013
- Maciel, M. Top Ten Pediatric Orthopedic Emergencies. The Foundation for Orthopedic Research and Education Orthopedics for the Primary Care Practitioner and Rehabilitation Therapist, July 19, 2013, Clearwater, FL
- Maciel, M. Pediatric Forearm Fractures. The 9th Annual Orthopaedic Update, Allied Health Care Professionals Seminar, August 10, 2013, Orlando, FL
- Maciel, M. Pediatric fractures and common sports related and overuse injuries. The Florida School Health Association Conference, May 9, 2013
- Maciel, M. Realities and challenges of treating the obese pediatric patient. The Association of Children’s Prosthetic-Orthotics Clinics 2010 Annual meeting, June 5, 2010.
- Maciel, M. Surgical intervention for angular deformities and length discrepancies secondary to congenital longitudinal deficiencies. The Association of Children’s Prosthetic-Orthotics Clinics, January, 23, 2009.
- Maciel, M, Torch, M., Durbin, T., Pirnia, N., Truong, W. The Management of Stable Type I Open Fractures in Children without Operative Treatment. The Mallory-Coleman Research Day, April,2006. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, OH.
- Jordan, M., Perlman, S.L., Brossmer, R., Greengard, O., and Moscona, A. The use of a quantitative fusion assay to evaluate sialic acid analogs and sialidase inhibitors for their ability to interfere with HN-receptor interaction for human parainfluenza virus type 3. A podium presentation at the Pediatric Research Day, June, 1999. The Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY.
Grand Rounds Presentations
- Maciel, M. Pediatric Pelvic and Lower Extremity Fractures. Grand Rounds. University of South Florida, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, July 29, 2011.
- Maciel, M. Bends, Bows and Awkward Toes. Grand Rounds. University of South Florida, Department of Pediatrics, April 25, 2024.
- Maciel, M. Metabolic Bone Disease. Grand Rounds. University of South Florida, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, July 29, 2020.
- Maciel, M. Bends, Bows and Awkward Toes. Grand Rounds. University of South Florida, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, August 3, 2019.
- Maciel, M. Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Grand Rounds. University of South Florida, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, August 3, 2018.
- Maciel, M. Introduction to Lower Limb Deformity Analysis and Correction. University of South Florida, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, August 4, 2017.
- Maciel, M. McCune Albright Disease and Congenital Tibial Pseudoarthrosis. Grand Rounds. University of South Florida, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, August 5, 2016.
- Maciel, M. Neuromuscular Disorders. Grand Rounds. University of South Florida, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, March 22, 2016.
- Maciel, M. Neuromuscular Disorders. Grand Rounds. University of South Florida, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, March 22, 2016.
- Maciel, M. Connective Tissue Diseases. Grand Rounds. University of South Florida, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, April 6, 2012
- Maciel, M. Pediatric Pelvic and Lower Extremity Fractures. Grand Rounds. University of South Florida, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, July 29, 2011.
Poster Exhibits
- Reasons for Delays in Initiating Casting in Infantile Idiopathic Scoliosis. ePoster #103, ICEO Annual Meeting, 11/10/21, Salt Lake City, UT. Lawing C, Stasikelis P, Mendelow M, Maciel M, Achors K, Khoury J.
- Reducing the Radiation Dose by 80% for Spine Radiographs during Mehta Cast Treatment. ePoster #104, ICEOS annual meeting, 11/10/21, Salt Lake City, UT. Khoury J, Lawing C, Maciel M, Achors K, Fontenot PA.
- Jordan, M., Brossmer, R., Greengard, O., and Moscona, A. HN-Receptor interactions of human parainfluenza virus type 3. A Scientific Poster Exhibit at the Medical Student Research Day, February, 2000. The Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY.
- Jordan, M., Simmons, M.J., Raymond, J.D., Grimes, C.D., Lund, C., Ojala, T.A. Effects of P-element mediated pupal lethality in Drosophila melanogaster. A Scientific Poster Exhibit at the Undergraduate Honors Research Presentation Day, May, 1995. The University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Historical Research Activities
- Site Principal Investigator, Long-term follow-up of surgical intervention for upper extremity cerebral palsy, Shriners Hospital for Children, multi-site study.
- Co-Principal Investigator, the Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network Brittle Bone Disease Consortium Longitudinal Study of Osteogenesis Imperfecta